Promotion of healthy lifestyles in schools: EUmove project

    Cómo citar este libro

    Sánchez Oliva D, García Calvo T, Sánchez Miguel PA, Leo Marcos FM, Pulido González JJ, González Ponce I, et al. Promotion of healthy lifestyles in schools: EUmove project. Universidad de Extremadura, Servicio de Publicaciones; 2022. (Vancouver)

    Sánchez Oliva, García Calvo, T., Sánchez Miguel, P. A., Leo Marcos, F. M., Pulido González, J. J., González Ponce, I., Muñoz Marín, D., Sevil Serrano, J., Tapia Serrano, M. Á., Castro Piñero, J., Grao Cruces, A., Camiletti Moirón, D., Izquierdo Gómez, R., Conde Caveda, J., Padilla Moledo, C., Sánchez López, M., Ruiz Hermosa, A., Martínez-Vizcaíno, V., González Morcillo, C., … Stephan, R. (2022). Promotion of healthy lifestyles in schools: EUmove project. Universidad de Extremadura, Servicio de Publicaciones. (APA 6ª Edición)

    Sánchez Oliva, David, Tomás García Calvo, Pedro Antonio Sánchez Miguel, Francisco Miguel Leo Marcos, Juan José Pulido González, Inmaculada González Ponce, Diego Muñoz Marín, et al. Promotion of Healthy Lifestyles in Schools: EUmove project. Universidad de Extremadura, Servicio de Publicaciones, 2022. (Chicago/Turabian 16ª Edición)

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    Promotion of healthy lifestyles in schools: EUmove project


    Physical inactivity is a worldwide public challenge and a leading risk factor for weight gain and obesity. Despite the well-recognized benefits of physical activity (PA), only 29% of European youth meet recommended guidelines of at least 60 minutes of daily moderate-to-vigorous PA. The school setting provides an ideal environment to promote healthy lifestyles among young people as initiatives can target all students and the whole school community. 

    The EUMOVE projectis an Erasmus+ Project awarded under the Erasmus+ Sports 2020 call for proposals. The main goal of the EUMOVE project is to design and implement a comprehensive set of strategies and resources to enable the educational community to promote healthy lifestyles in order to reduce risk factors for noncommunicable diseases . This is a 3-year project delivered by a collaboration between 14 academic and nongovernmental institutions from Spain, Portugal, France, Italy, Belgium, and the United Kingdom (Northern Ireland). Through this e-book, the aim is to share with the educational community some of the resources generated from the project. Specifically, the book is divided into four chapters. 

    The first chapter presents a set of strategies for the promotion of active recess in schools, as well as general recommendations for their implementation. This chapter also offers recommendations for the promotion of physical activity through the modification of the physical environment of the school. The second chapter focuses on the promotion of active travel to/from school. This includes a series of recommendations for schools, teachers, parents, and authorities to encourage students to use active forms of travel. In the third chapter , a set of learning units have been developed to promote healthy habits in the out-of-school period. These units are divided according to educational stage; primary or secondary, and are aimed at promoting physical activity, reducing sedentary time, and optimizing eating patterns and sleep time. Finally, chapter 4 is specifically for parents. This chapter offers a series of recommendations for the promotion of healthy habits by parents. The chapter is divided into different sections that address physical activity, sedentary lifestyles, diet, and sleep. Established recommendations for these behaviours are explained and practical strategies that will help children comply with the recommendations are provided. 

    In short, this book offers a series of practical resources for the promotion of healthy habits in schools at different times of the school day. All strategies are based on scientific evidence. The general recommendations provided should be adapted to the specific context of each country/locality.


    Educación, Sociología. Psicología. Educación
    • Castellano
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    Sobre David Sánchez Oliva (Coordinador/a)

    • David Sánchez Oliva
      Investigador postdoctoral en la Universidad de Extremadura y la Universidad de Lisboa. Doctor en Ciencias del Deporte. Su principal foco de investigación es el estudio de los procesos motivacionales en el contexto de la educación física y la actividad física, aplicando la Teoría ... Ver más sobre el autor


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